Video Editing project

Video Editing project

This is one of the best video I have ever made in my life. Personally, I’m not a skater but the one who inspire me and got me in this project is Madison, which is my best friend. She introduced me to skateboarding, on the first day I went to the skatepark I saw many people with skateboarding talent. While watching people skateboarding, I thought of it would be great if I can film them and make it into one of my American experiences. Therefore, I decided to make a video about skateboard culture. This video is about skateboards and interviewing skaters around Lincoln. The idea of this video is I want more people to get to know the skateboard culture in Lincoln Nebraska. It took me more than 3-4 weeks to completed and filming all the clips, because filming skate tricks is not simple and this project is also my first time filming and interacting with skaters and skateboard cultures. It was a hard project part of it to get the right tricks from a skater I had to film more than ten times until they landed right, and skateboarding is fast its not simple to run and filming them at the same time. But overall, I learned many things about the pop cultures, the brands… and the people were nice to me. I made some couple new friends through this project and the memories I spent with the people to filmed the video was unforgettable. At first, I always have bad intentions about skateboarding and skaters in general, but once I interacted with people who took it seriously as a sports (competitive skaters) I learned many things about their mindset and through the interview. Through this Video editing project, I learned many things about I movie and get to know how to edit video. The times I spent for this project will never be a waste, and I enjoy learning and discover new things during editing and filming for this project.

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